are what we believe” is the headline of an April 17, 2017, article
by CNN in which over 600 readers shared their faith experiences. CNN
came up with six similarities shared by those who told their faith
You are passionate from a young age
You know everything can change in an instant
You think actions speak louder than words
You find strength in believing...or not (Yes, atheism is a
spiritual belief system...)
You seek beyond major religions
You believe the search for meaning never ends
the next several blog posts, I want to examine what the Hutterites
believed and what parts of their belief system has filtered down to
their Haban descendants. To some extent, the six similarities listed
above are also true of the Hutterites and the Haban. They were what
they believed. Today, I want to look at the specific beliefs that
made the Hutterites who they were and made them different from other
Protestants of the time as well as the one thing that made them
distinct from other Anabaptists.*
took the Bible seriously. Their spiritual leaders were not called
priests or pastors but “Servants..." or "Ministers of the Word". This love of God's
Word was not a uniquely Hutterite trait, but one shared by many after
the Protestant Reformation. Martin Luther believed that the Bible
was the
of God, the sole source of spiritual truth, and it was to be studied
and embraced by everyone for their spiritual growth. The Catholic
Church of his day believed the Latin Bible should remain in the hands
of educated priests, that the average believer would not be smart
enough to interpret the Word of God accurately. Bibles in the common
language were forbidden. Luther, however, said, “...a simple
layman armed with Scripture is greater than the mightiest pope
without it". The Hutterites ran with that, looking to the Bible
for all wisdom and knowledge. The Haban continued to cling to the
Word of God even after their conversion to Catholicism. (Spoiler
alert: This love of the Word led Grandma to a brief life of
– Adults only, please...
including the Hutterites, after reading their Bibles, found no
biblical basis for baptizing babies. Baptism was for
grownups...well, at least for those old enough to understand what
they were getting themselves into. Salvation wasn't something that
was poured over a baby, like water. When one was old enough to
understand what Christ's death and resurrection meant for the
individual, when one could freely choose to surrender one's life to
Jesus, then one could be baptized as a sign of entering into that new
life of faith. The Hutterites desperately held onto this belief, to
the death in many instances. It was the issue of infant baptism that
eventually led to some Hutterites giving up their identity as “true”
believers and resigned themselves to the Catholic/Hutterite hybrid we
know as Haban.
of Church and State...a radical idea
modern Americans, we take the idea of separation of church and state
for granted. It seems like a good idea. But before, during and for
hundreds of years after the Protestant Reformation, the church,
whatever the denomination, and the government, whatever that may
locally have looked like, were seriously intertwined. Hutterites, as
well as most Anabaptists, tried to keep themselves separated from the
civil authorities. Government was “of the world”. Hutterites
were “of God.” This strict separation rarely went well for the
Hutterites. Local government saw the Hutterites as uncooperative at
best, and downright rebellious at worst.
swearing (of oaths, that is...)
put, an oath is calling upon God to witness the fact that what one is
saying is true - “I swear to God that.....” When the Hutterites
read their Bibles, they saw Jesus' take on the swearing of oaths:
you have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not
swear falsely, but shall perform to the Lord what you have sworn.’
But I say to you, Do not take an oath at all, either by heaven, for
it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or
by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. And do not take
an oath by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black.
Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than
this comes from evil. - Matthew
5:33-37 (ESV)
Anabaptists had some prohibition against oaths, but Hutterites took
the prohibition very seriously. In a time when loyalty oaths of all
kinds were required, this provided one more cause for persecution.
Even when asked to swear an oath that they would never return to a
certain town or region again, the Hutterites would refuse. How could
they swear such a thing when they didn't know where the Holy Spirit
might lead them in the future? Asking God to witness a statement
that might not be true in the future would make God a party to one's
sin. No, no swearing of oaths...
down that sword...
as well as most Anabaptists, were pacifists. They were adamantly
opposed to war and any violence. They would not defend themselves
when attacked by their enemies, making them easy targets to plunder.
They were also very careful not to provide nonviolent support for
war efforts. Before agreeing to do certain projects for their
neighbors or protective lord, they would seriously examine the use of
the object they had been contracted to construct. The lord of the
region wished to purchase wagons for his estate. For what purpose
were they to be used? To carry war implements to go out into battle
against the Turks? Or to cart food for the animals of the estate and
be used for the crops during harvest time? The answer to questions
such as these would determine whether or not the Hutterites would
agree to build what was asked of them.
the Hutterites came to the United States, their pacifist beliefs got
them into trouble during the first world war. As conscientious
objectors, the young Hutterite men were required to do alternate
service. Since almost all alternate service at that time in some way
supported the war effort, they would politely refuse. Several were
beaten, starved and eventually died in military prison for refusal to
support the war effort. The Hutterites, living in the Great Plains
at the time, struggled with whether the United States was a country
which would tolerate their strict pacifism. Many left their farms in
the Dakotas and migrated to Canada, a country with a more lenient
view of those who would not support war efforts of any kind.
keep communion...
Lord's supper was seen as a remembrance of the suffering and death of
Jesus. Unlike the Catholic Church which viewed its Holy Communion as
the literal body and blood of Christ, the Lord's supper of the
Hutterites was a symbolic remembrance. The Hutterites took the
celebration of the Lord's Supper very seriously and with great
reverence, so much so that they only celebrated it once a year, the
day after Easter. It was the high point of their church year.
God day in and day out and striving to live holy, godly lives is not
easy. What do you do with those among you who just can't cut it and
fall into sin? You speak to them, encourage them to get back on the
straight and narrow, and then, if they refuse, you ban them from the
community. This ban was reserved for baptized members of the
fellowship. If you were old enough (Adult baptism, remember?) to
commit to following God, you knew what you were getting into. If you
abandoned the committed, holy life, then you needed to leave before
you dragged others down with you.
the way...
of some sort were required. Different Anabaptist groups had
different titles for their spiritual leaders. Each Hutterite
community had a teacher/preacher called a “minister of the Word”.
His duties were spelled out in the Schleitheim Confession* as
follows: “His office shall be to read, to admonish and to teach,
to warn, to discipline, to ban in the church, to lead out in prayer
for the advancement of all the brethren and sisters, to lift up the
bread when it is broken, and in all things to see to the care of the
body of Christ that it may be built up and developed.” They also
had a head leader over all the Hutterite communities known as a
Vorsteher, a sort of moderator. He oversaw missionaries, comforted
those in prison (and there were many) and generally dealt with any
problems that came up and clarified any issues that needed
are all in this together...
The thing that distinguished the Hutterites from most other
Anabaptist groups was their commitment to the community of goods
a.k.a. holding all things in common. In the book of Acts it says:
the full number of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and
no one said that any of the things that belonged to him was his own,
but they had everything in common. (4:32)
Hutterites took hold of this scripture and throughout their history
strived to adhere to a communal lifestyle. Sometimes they succeeded
and sometimes they didn't. Hutterites have looked back on their
history and point to the times they succeeded as the times they were
walking most closely with God. Many Hutterite colonies today still
practice a community of goods, living a communal lifestyle and having
almost no personal possessions.
communities were called Bruderhofs and consisted of large, rambling
houses, grouped together to shelter multiple families in close
proximity to one another. Both Grandma and Grandpa's villages had
Hutterite Bruderhofs, and both Grandma and Grandpa grew up in
Bruderhof-now-Haban homesteads. In both Sobotište
and Moravský
Svätý Ján
today there are historic sections of town called Habánsky
Dvor or Haban Court, the old Hutterite homes of the Bruderhofs,
grouped together with other buildings, such as mills, and a chapel
for gathering to worship.
Present day photo of the Habansky Dvor in Grandma's hometown of Sobotiste |
1527, a group of Swiss Anabaptists in Schleitheim, Switzerland, met
and agreed unanimously on the middle seven of these Anabaptist
beliefs. It was referred to as the Schleitheim Confession. The
first belief listed, the Bible as God's true word and ultimate
authority was already a given in Anabaptist circles by this time in
the Protestant Reformation. The last belief listed, the community of
goods, also described as holding all things in common, was primarily